Sunday, March 6, 2011

Donald Trump Polls Higher Than Romney & Pawlenty For President – Bad Sign For GOP

Republicans seem to be balking at becoming the first to formally throw their hats in the ring to run for President. Maybe they should be, as a recent poll has Donald Trump ahead of Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty.

An article titled “Donald Trump Positive Rating Higher Than That Of Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty” by Sam Stein and published in The Huffington Post details the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that tested for the favorbility rating of potential Republican Presidential candidates. Trump beat Romney by 1% point and Pawlenty by 10 percentage points.

The fact that Donald Trump has a higher positive rating than other potential Republican Presidential candidates indicates that their lack name and image recognition on a scaled dwarfed by President Obama. Mitt Romney has run for President and may be the most viable contender against Obama, but he still failed to beat a man that probably has no chance of becoming President.

It almost appears that the Republicans would rather sit this one out if they could and wait for 2016 when President Obama could not run anymore. If there seems to be a high probability of losing then why would you possibly hurt your chances for 2016 by running a futile campaign?

It could turn out that this is the year that the Republican primary contenders and eventual candidates burnish their resumes, boost speaking fees and sell more books by adding the term former Presidential candidate to their biography. The serious politicians will show up in 2016.

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