Rush Limbaugh Calls Obama Voters Savages
Rush Limbaugh officially kicked off his 2012 election campaign of President Barack Obama bashing by calling Obama supporters vile, savages and walking debris. This was in response to the President speech to the nation on the 2012 budget.
Republicans were outraged over the fact that President Obama illustrated the difference in approach to addressing the nation’s budget issues by drawing a contrast between his approach and theirs. What is so interesting is that the Republican position was already written in black and white in the form of Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget plan.
Ryan’s budget plan laid it all out and was passed by the House of Representatives on April 15, 2011. Ryan’s budget proposes to end Medicare as we know it and distribute it out as vouchers that do not guarantee full cost coverage for medical care if private insurance costs increase. Another part of the Republican plan was to maintain the Bush tax breaks for the rich while slashing Medical coverage for seniors.
What President Obama pointed out was a system that hammered on the poor and elderly while allowing the rich to become richer was unfair and painted a pessimistic view of America. Republicans were outraged that their actual written plans for the United States was presented to the American public as a plan that favored the wealthy over the old, poor and sick. Well.
Now there seem to be hurt feelings that the President pledged to protect older Americans from potential lack of health coverage due to escalating private health insurance costs versus the Medicare guarantee that is in place now.
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